Monday, March 4, 2013

Another Steele Trademark Homes finished product!

Excited to have finished another home for another great family!  Want to get a sneak peek before they move in?  Here it is!

Love this house?  We are starting a similar one this next week.  Let us know if you would like to claim it as your own!  Call Pamela Holz 931-220-1169 with questions.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Steele Trademark Homes Inc is on youtube

Want to take a walk through a Steele Trademark Home?  Check out this video, and watch for more videos to come!

When quality matters...  

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The Home Building Process: What is key for you to know?

The purpose of this blog is it to answer as many questions a person might have while thinking about building a home, during the process, and after the home is completed.  Are there key questions you have that we could answer for you?  Please let us know-- you can post a question in the comment box--, and they will be addressed in a timely manner.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Lots going on!

Not a lot of blogging, but a whole lot of building!  Some pictures of Summer 2012 projects with Steele Trademark Homes...

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

"Base" questions for TN

Can foundations here (in TN) be poured concrete or are most made from cinder block here? (I came from PA)  And are they sealed with the black waterproofing sealant?  I see this house has a crawl space, are basements possible here as well?

Thanks for your questions!

Poured foundations are more popular in the North due to the freeze-thaw factor.  They are more resilient than block and mortar, with fewer areas for water to infiltrate and freeze.  Depending on the concrete, it may be nonporous and not requiring waterproofing.  An example would be Superior Walls, which are precast foundations, custom-made and ready to install on a gravel footer.  They are pre-insulated, ready for drywall and guaranteed waterproof.  

Basements are required to be waterproofed both out and in for maximum protection.

Block foundations for crawl spaces are not required to be waterproofed.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

To Paint or Not to Paint...

That is the question!

Custom colors may cost more up front or may not, depending on how your builder prices his home.  Steele Trademark Homes Inc. prefers to bid a home with custom colors.  Builder beige is a terrible canvas against which to furnish your newly built home.  Although painting may seem easy, figure how much your time is worth and leave it to the experts.  Why move into your new home and already have a honey-do list?