People are always looking to get the best deal on purchases. After all, why pay full price for something if you can get it at a discount? With many things in life, a deal is probably worth pursuing. In fact, many items are priced with a built-in cushion (think cars, shoes, appliances, etc.).
Some people may go into the home building experience with the thought, "I am going to go with the builder who gives me the best deal." However, when it comes to your home, this may
not be the best idea to pursue.
While not always true, a less expensive home typically is going to indicate one or more of the following:
- inferior materials,
- inferior workmanship,
- a combination of both, or
- a bulder who is trying to produce quantity, not quality.
Make sure you know and trust your builder enough to be able to ask him where the "discount" he is giving you is coming from... because there is that other thought to consider: "You get what you pay for."
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